Within the scope of commercialization activities; studies are conducted to develop and commercialize more than 150 inventions and designs in the ODTU TTO portfolio and transfer them to the market.

In this process, strategic collaboration is supported with many national and international companies, investors, Technology Development Zone, consultants, and intermediary institutions. The commercialization strategy determined by taking into consideration the issues such as the industry to which the invention or design belongs, the relevant market size, maturity level of the invention and the expectations of the academician are evaluated and applied separately for each technology.

The commercialization activities conducted by ODTU TTO:

Starting negotiations by determining the companies related to the inventions in the portfolio, conducting their processes

Commercialization of the intellectual property rights by transferring or licensing

Increasing the technological maturity levels of the inventions by establishing spin-offs

Creating an effective network with the investors and managing bilateral relations sustainably

Establishing collaborations for recognition, awareness, and commercialization in international platforms

In addition to the production, protection, and dissemination of intellectual property-based information and technology, it is of great importance that the research results are developed and transformed into products. In this context, commercialization activities are conducted by ODTU TTO under the titles of licensing/transferring, start-up collaborations and entrepreneurship:



Every year, many commercialization meetings are held with the companies which can be relevant for the inventions/designs in the ODTU TTO portfolio. Various national and international customers are contacted, and licensing/transferring options are evaluated according to the needs. In this process, by matching the investor, the firm and the invention are together with the matching the company and the invention, the communications can be conducted in various ways.

The commercialization conditions are determined, and contracts are prepared by considering different issues such as the commercialization rate and duration of the invention/design subject to licensing or transferring, the size of the market to which it belongs, the value offered by the technology of the invention, the superior aspects of the competing technologies, the potential R&D studies to be continued in the future, the expectations of the academician and firm, the size of the firm, and the technological infrastructure.

In the company meetings for licensing or transferring processes, the academicians are informed about the developments and, if necessary, they attend the meetings.



It is the most applied model by ODTU TTO among the commercialization models. Within the scope of the Co2Tech program, the collaborations are conducted with the start-ups to increase the Technological Maturity Levels (TRL) of the inventions with the strategy of “develop first commercialize then”.

The start-ups in ODTU Technopolis are evaluated as a priority and are matched with the related inventions. In the process of the collaboration with the start-up, by combining the technical knowledge of the intellectual property right holder with the market knowledge of the start-up, the commercial and technological opportunities can be evaluated correctly and the invention is commercialized according to the needs of the market.

Moreover, the development activities can be conducted more quickly by applying to existing national and international grant programs under the leadership of a start-up.



Another important mechanism that can increase TRL (Technology Maturity Level) is the companies established by academicians. As ODTU TTO, academic entrepreneurship is supported and the technologies are developed to utilize national/international supports.

The biggest advantage of the academicians to establish their own firms is to benefit from product-oriented grant programs for early-stage inventions. Thus, TRL can be increased in a shorter time and the technology poses less risk for the investor.

ODTU TTO uses this mechanism, which is conducted by various trainings and programs (LabsOut), for the commercialization of the inventions in the portfolio. The ultimate goal is for academicians to create businesses that are sustainable, scalable and supportable with venture capital funds.







3M €+






Commercialization Unit / Specialist


In this process, the support is received from national/international companies and investors, sectoral expositions, internet resources, and inventors/designers.

Yes, METU TTO contacts with the international firms for the inventions which have patent application or registration abroad, or have the patent application in Turkey but their potential is high for the international market as well.

According to article 121/8 of the Intellectual Property Law numbered 6769, which came into force as of January 10, 2017, at least 1/3 of the income obtained as a result of the commercialization of the inventions under the right of ODTU is given to inventors and at least half of the income obtained as a result of the commercialization of the designs according to article 74/2 is given to the designers.

The level of maturity of the invention (research result), the amount of infrastructure and investment support needed for the development of the invention, the size of the potential market for the product to be commercialized, the growth trend of the market, its advantages over competing technologies and the expectations of the academician and the company from the collaboration are the most critical issues that stand out.

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