Inventions frequently require financial support for further development before seeking commercial investment. ODTÜ provides proof-of-concept funds for this purpose through ODTÜ Technology Transfer Office (ODTU TTO).

The ODTU TTO Pre-Seed Fund is established with the goal of accelerating the commercialization of scientific and engineering research outputs from the University's research by overcoming the "valley of death" that early-stage firms face while seeking equity financing.

The aim of this funding is to break down the barriers to industry licensing of university technology or investment funding of start-up companies based on university technology. Seed fund helps the inventor in bringing an invention to market/practice (proof-of-concept), developing/collecting more experimental data for better patent applications, or making the invention or copyright more commercially interesting to a company or an investor.

ODTÜ TTO Pre-Seed Fund is established with ODTÜ TTO’s licensing and project management revenues to close the gap between basic research and product development and to make academic inventions inODTÜ TTO Patent Portfolio attractive to the industry for licensing.

The main objective of the Fund is to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and to assist ODTÜ Faculty Members to allow their technology to evolve from conception through to research, development, The aim of ODTÜ TTO Seed Fund is to speed up the commercialization of scientific and engineering research findings by bridging the "valley of death" that early-stage firms/academic inventions face while seeking financing/commercial partner. ODTÜ TTO Technology Seed awards early-stage technologies with commercial potential up to $10,000 funding for one year. Within the scope of the program, maximum 3 inventions per year will be supported with a total budget of $30,000.


The following requirements are requisite to be eligible for funding:

· Be a faculty member at the Middle East Technical University
· Have disclosed the underlying technology in your proposal to ODTU TTO with an invention disclosure form.


ODTU TTO will select projects for funding through a review process. A Committee of ODTU Vice President, ODTU Teknokent General Manager, ODTU TTO, business community members, and an investor will evaluate the proposals for the merit and uniqueness of the technology as well as its potential for commercialization. Some of the questions to be considered by the committee are:

  • Is the proof-of-concept reasonably feasible to justify funding a project at this time?
  • Can the project be successfully completed within the timeframe and budget indicated?
  • Does there appear to be a strong market need for the product?
  • Would the product have sufficient advantages and features comparing to the product/process already available at the market? What are competitive advantages?
  • Does your perception of the market opportunity—relative to market size, ease of entry, competitive situation, etc.—justify the project cost?
  • Will commercialization / licensing be difficult or easy?


The Faculty for the project will need to prepare a proposal using the Application Form below and be ready to present the proposal through a 5-minute presentation.

Please submit your proposal no later than 11:59 p.m. on December 10, 2024 via e-mail to tto@metu.edu.tr
You will receive an e-mail notification from ODTU TTO that your proposal has been received.

Contact Information

Questions about the funding and proposal process? Please feel free to contact the following ODTU TTO staff:

F.Eylül Özkul
Commercialization Assistant Specialist

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